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Providing Effective, Quality Chiropractic Care to Hills Families for over 25 years.

BUPA Preferred Practitioner

"Our Patients and their families choose our clinic because they want a natural approach to better health"

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Meet Our Chiropractors


Dr Carolyn Harman

B.Sc.(UQ)., M.Chiro (Macq U)


Dr Harman is a graduate of Macquarie University and has more than 24 years clinical experience. Dr Harman will thoroughly investigate, and tailor make a treatment program to your individual needs drawing from a wealth of expertise and a diverse range of Chiropractic techniques.

Dr Harman is qualified in Diversified 'manual', S.O.T (Sacro-Occiptial Technique), Activator, E.P.T (Electrophysical therapies) and N.E.T (Neuro Emotional Technique) and a variety of soft tissue therapies. 

A passionate Chiropractic personality who utilises a wholistic approach with her clients and enjoys caring for people of all ages.


Dr Melissa Chiang

Dr Chiang is a graduate of RMIT University, obtaining her Masters in Clinical Chiropractic in 2010.


Dr Chiang has a keen interest in Sports Chiropractic and has been involved with local and international sporting clubs and tournaments.


Dr Chiang uses a variety of Chiropractic techniques including Diversified 'manual', Logan, Activator, Sports Chiropractic and Paediatric Chiropractic, tailored to suit each individual's needs, providing patients of all ages with the highest quality of chiropractic care.

Dr David Kaldas

Dr David graduated from RMIT university, qualifying in a double degree in health sciences and applied sciences (chiropractic). He set his focus on improving individuals' quality of living.

He takes a holistic and patient centered approach caring for people of all age groups. David uses a variety of techniques including diversified and gonstead manual techniques, low force techniques, activator, and ultrasound.


Outside of practice David enjoys cycling, cooking and watching European soccer leagues.